martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Newsletter October

Visit with Juan Andrés Fontaine, Chilean Minister for Economy

Our President Juan Francisco Mackenna recently met with the Chilean Minister for Economy, Mr Juan Andrés Fontaine, to present the panorama of Chilean – Australian commerce and to bring to light the economic promise of collaboration between Chilean and Australian businesses, to introduce him to our Chamber of Commerce and how we work towards this end, as well as share with him the preparations for our upcoming Commercial Mission to Australia, planned for next year.
This ‘Misión Comercial’ will see four major sectors of Chilean industries travel to Australia to promote the country’s business opportunities to their interest groups in Australia. These include:
1. Mining Sector’s participation in Austmine, a mining conference to be held in Brisbane.
2. Financial sector’s inauguration of its ‘Chile Day’ which will promote investment options in Chile to the Australian stock market.
3. Agricultural and Horticultural sectors which will pursue the creation of a sister-city alliance between the Barossa Valley in South Australia and the Colchagua Valley of Chile’s 7th Province, plus other links between dried fruit and nuts businesses, and
4. Renewable Energy sector, whose hydroelectric companies with the desire to expand will seek investment to be able to develop further operations in the south of Chile.

Events: Energy Committee

The upcoming event for October is the AUSCHAM Energy Committee Opening Cocktail, to be held at the Golf 50 function centre, Las Condes, on Thursday the 14th of October at 7:30pm. For this event we have extended invitations to all companies in the Renewable Energy industry in Santiago, which will make for an excellent opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded companies; ideal for encouraging progress and development between Australia and Chile within this industry.
For further information, please visit

Xstrata Copper Sponsorship

We are most pleased to announce and welcome Xstrata Copper to our group of Premium Sponsors, and look forward to working together with them in the future.
Xstrata Copper always has been a company that had supports the activities of our chamber in different areas like committees and cultural activities.

Publications: Welcome to Chile Information

Coinciding with this month’s newsletter is the addition of our ‘Welcome to Chile’ information to our website for Australians new to Chile or for those who are looking for some inside info on where to eat, which live theatres to go to; it has everything from how to set up a bank account, to keep yourself out of mischief with the locals. You can find this information under Publications on our website or simply follow this link:

viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Pregunta y Respuesta relevantes sobre el Tratado de Doble Tributación

¿Qué importancia tiene este convenio?

  1. Este convenio ayuda e impulsa las inversiones de Australia en Chile.

  2. Conlleva todos los estandares internacionales para países miembros de la OCDE de intercambio de información entre autoridades tributarias.

  3. Este acuerdo se debe a que Chile ha avanzado en un tema tan relevante como el intercambio de información, ley que fue aprobada recientemente por el Congreso.

¿Qué Beneficios concretosos tienen estos convenios para Chile?

  1. Los profesionales chilenos que presten servicios temporalmente en Australia, sólo pagarán impuestos en Chile.

  2. Las inversiones de los fondos de pensiones chilenos verán reducida la tasa de impuesto que pagan por los dividendos que perciben, o sea, quedan exentas de impuesto por las ganancias de capital que obtienen.

  3. Las empresas australianas que prestan servicios desde Chile hacia afuera pagarán impuestos en Chile, pero se beneficiarán de un crédito en su país de origen.

¿Tienen estos convenios efectos sobre la recaudación fiscal?

  1. Los inversionistas de Australia siguen sujetos al impuesto de primera categoría (17%) en Chile, así como al impuesto adicional de 35% si deciden transferir al exterior sus utilidades. Por este motivo la recaudación fiscal se prevee que sea la misma.

  2. Por otro lado, estos convenios promueven la inversión y el intercambio, por tanto, la recaudación se compensa por medio del incremento de la actividad.