martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

Events: Energy Committee

The upcoming event for October is the AUSCHAM Energy Committee Opening Cocktail, to be held at the Golf 50 function centre, Las Condes, on Thursday the 14th of October at 7:30pm. For this event we have extended invitations to all companies in the Renewable Energy industry in Santiago, which will make for an excellent opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded companies; ideal for encouraging progress and development between Australia and Chile within this industry.
For further information, please visit

1 comentario:

  1. Somos en Chile. Compañía de Eficiencia Energética Ltda. Estamos en la mitigación de cambio climático
    a través de ERNC proyectos, desarrollos, ejecución de arquitectura, ingeniería y montajes de obras.

    Nelson de la Barra C.
    Gerente de Operaciones.
